Sunday, January 02, 2011

2011 and what I hope it brings...

Tools of the Trade
Originally uploaded by mlochk22@
Well, first things first...I am hoping to be able to maintain this blog better now that, finally and officially, Im done with school. I still have some studying to do for my registration test, but other than that, Im done.

So, first things first on what I'd like to accomplish this year:

1. Blog at least twice a month. I don't want to get overwhelmed on my first year of being done with school. I started school in 2005 and don't want to get bogged down with all the things I *want* to do, so slow and steady is the key!

2. Shop the stash! As you can see above, I have enough now for 4 sweaters, a few shawls and *gobs* of socks. I shouldn't have to buy anything unless its something specific to a project (like something for a baby present).

3. More family time. While I tried to maintain some amount of family time during these past few years, it has definitely diminished since my child hit middle school/junior high (whatever you'd like to call it). So Im therefore proposing a Sunday Movie Night and a Wednesday Family Night. This Sunday: Lord of the Rings Extended Version :-)

4. Project 365. In order to get me back doing something I loved doing way back when, I'm going to try to do the Project 365. In case you don't know, its taking a picture once a day, every day, for an entire year. I don't know if I can actually accomplish this or not, but I'm certainly going to try. What would be the coolest is to actually manage to do this for a whole year and then turn it into a book...that would rock! :-)

5. A garden, of the veggie sort. We didn't do one last year, but we're really thinking hard about it this year! This, however, is not a one person show, so will depend upon others help as well. We'll see what happens about this later on this year.

Now to explain the pic: Number 2 and Number 4. Welcome to my yarn stash that I plan on shopping this year and my first picture for Project 365. Wonderful bit of yarn, isn't it? *sigh* I love it!

Now, I do have some knitting goals, though I don't know if I'll be able to accomplish them all. I'd like to complete all the stuff I have going right now by February (haha) so I can then get started on those 4 sweaters and gazillion socks...ok so really, I'd like to finish 4 sweaters and 6 pairs of socks, but I have the potential for so many more!

Now, lets see where the year leads me!

1 comment:

Marushka C. said...

Good luck with your goals for 2011. I think a lot of us are focusing on stash knitting this year.